Generic Viagra
Hello, guys! I’d like to tell you that the situation in which I found myself is more than common. I like to have sex, both the most traditional and the one that many squeamishly call perverse, that is, oral and anal sex. I like to have sex with different partners and don’t demand fidelity from my wife. We consider this a free relationship and love to experiment.
However, despite my love to pleasures, the moment came when I began to experience problems with erection. I thought the reason for this was that for many years I was a heavy smoker. I still don’t know exactly what was the impetus for the appearance of these problems, but then I just drove the “cure for impotence” into the Internet and bought the first thing that caught my eye – generic Viagra, Sildenafil citrate. Despite the fact that later I studied the market of drugs against erectile dysfunction more thoroughly, I still didn’t change my first choice. I buy generics of Viagra in online pharmacies and enjoy great sex with my wife and other partners.
Generic Sildenafil – a Quality Replacement for Ordinary Viagra
It is even strange that the first effective medicine against impotence was developed only 20 years ago. It was branded Viagra produced by Pfizer. Prior to this, all folk remedies against impotence or medicines were either useless or even dangerous to health. Meanwhile, men have always faced erectile dysfunction, whether a hundred or a thousand or ten thousand years ago. Another thing is that over the past few decades, problems with potency have become significantly more common. They appear among younger men. This is facilitated by technological progress, the fact that people are moving less, eating more junk food and are more nervous at work.
Despite the fact that Viagra has become a real salvation for a huge number of men suffering from erectile dysfunction, it has several negative qualities. And its main disadvantage is the high cost, which is so great that the regular use of this medicine is not affordable for many men, not only low-income ones, but middle-income as well. It was this unfair pricing policy of Pfizer that stimulated many other pharmaceutical companies to start production of drugs similar to Viagra in composition and principle of action, but much cheaper – its generics, also known as analogues. All generics, as in the original medicine, contain the same active substance called Sildenafil citrate. By itself, it is inexpensive, the main part of the price falls on the brand and costs associated with the promotion of this medicine (advertising, development, etc.).
Generics of Viagra are no worse than the original drug – they are not inferior to it in effectiveness, have the same contraindications, a similar list of side effects and compatibility with other drugs. Therefore, you should not take this medicine irresponsibly. Generics of Viagra are no less serious medicines than their branded prototype. Take this into consideration when making a purchase of generic Viagra online.

For many years Viagra has been successfully proving its effectiveness in treating such a delicate problem as erectile dysfunction in men. This medicine belongs to the category of PDE-5 enzyme inhibitors, the production of which in the body of a man leads to the cessation of erection. Viagra with its active substance Sildenafil helps to stop the production of this enzyme, which causes an increased erection. In addition, the medicine has the following advantages:
- the more modern composition of Viagra generics (in terms of excipients) leads to the fact that the medicine begins to act faster than the original drug. This should please men who think that the action of branded Viagra begins too slowly.
- usually the action of generics of Viagra is not as dependent on food intake as the action of branded medicine. Thanks to this, a man can take the drug with food, without fear that it will not work. Also, generics of Viagra are more tolerant to alcohol than the original medicine.
- the duration of action of generics of Viagra can vary, and a man can choose the drug that best suits him. Some generics last three to five hours, others up to seven.
- generics of Viagra don’t affect the male reproductive system - the quality and quantity of sperm, fertility, and properties of sperm. A child conceived using Viagra is no different from the one conceived without it.
- many men choose Sildenafil generics rather than the original medicine, due to the fact that they usually have fewer side effects. Meanwhile, it is precisely a large number of unpleasant side effects that is the main claim of patients for branded Viagra.
- neither the original Viagra, nor its generics cause any kind of addiction (mental or physical). They can be taken for unlimited time.
- the various generics of Sildenafil citrate are much cheaper than the original medicine. No more spending fabulous sums of money to enjoy sex!
Generic Viagra is produced not only in the form of traditional tablets, but also in the form of sachets, soft tablets and capsules, in which the onset of effect is higher than that of conventional tablets. Such forms of medication can begin to act within 10-15 minutes after administration. When Sildenafil is absorbed into the blood, it causes the dilation of arteries in the cavernous bodies of the penis, which leads to an increase in its blood supply and the appearance of a strong erection. Sexual arousal can persist even after ejaculation, which will allow you to satisfy your partner to the maximum.
Despite all benefits of generic Viagra, keep in mind the following:
- It is not recommended to use this medicine if you suffer from concomitant diseases such as problems with the cardiovascular system, kidney and liver failure, hypertension and hypotension. Consult your doctor if you have a blood disease, such as leukemia or sickle cell anemia.
- Sometimes men have an individual intolerance to Sildenafil. Allergic reactions to this substance also take place, so be careful if you are allergic to many drugs.
- If you don’t want to deal with such things as dizziness, tinnitus, darkening before your eyes and even loss of consciousness, don’t take Viagra in combination with drugs containing nitrates. These include, for example, nitroglycerin.
- It makes no sense to combine the use of Viagra and other PDE-5 inhibitors, this will not lead to an extremely strong erection, but only to a lot of side effects.
- Be prepared for the fact that Sildenafil can cause side effects such as nasal congestion, headache, and changes in color perception.

Before you decide to purchase generic Viagra, a useful act would be to get acquainted with customer reviews about the desired medicine. This will allow you to check whether the medicine you have chosen is trustworthy, or a number of patients left negative reviews about it.
A survey concerning male sexuality (SatisFACTS), which was hold in different countries under the sponsorship of Bayer HealthCare and covered both healthy men and those who suffered from erectile dysfunction, has shown high effectivity of ED drugs based on PDE-5 inhibitors. Generic Viagra satisfied all the main criteria required for a high-quality and popular medicine. They included quick onset of the effect, convenience of intake, and the absence of cases when the medicine didn’t work. It should be noted that in early 2019 there was news that drugs belonging to dopamine agonists could be used to treat erectile dysfunction. However, this information turned out to be more hype than hope, and PDE-5 inhibitors remain the most widely used effective remedies against erectile dysfunction.
Sildenafil-based drugs, as well as Tadalafil-based and Vardenafil-based ones (they are Cialis, Levitra and their generics) can be bought online. They all belong to PDE-5 inhibitors and are taken orally in form of pills, or, more seldom, sachets or soft tablets.
All these three medications are available in branded form as well as in generic one. You can buy whatever you choose in any online pharmacy, which allows to save time and money and provides a wider choice of meds. My experience of purchasing ED drugs online is very positive, I’ve never regretted I decided on it.