
To tell the truth, I don't have erection problems, but out of curiosity I decided to take a 25 pill of Cialis. The effect was a real wow: my penis felt like it was made of steel. However, my euphoria was spoiled by the fact that next day I had pain in all my muscles, like when I catch a cold. This condition lasted about a day, during which I felt myself completely ill. I'm very disappointed by it, because no one of my acquaintances who took Cialis experienced this side effect with similar strength. I think I will try taking a smaller dosage, maybe this will be more balanced concerning muscle pain.

Erectile Sysfunction Causes, Types and Treatment

Constant nervous tension negatively affects men's health. Frequent stress can cause unsuccessful intimate relationships between a man and a woman. In medical practice, this phenomenon is called impotence. To each of us, men, it seems that this will never touch us. I thought so too. All my life I tried different sex. Swinger party? No problem. Sex with several partners, oral, anal - all and not enumerate.

In addition, imagine what a shock I had when I realized that I could not have sex anymore! I want, but I cannot! No erection! I understood what is the impotent rage definition in my own case!

Then I began to understand, because of what this could happen. I learned the true definition of impotence.

What causes a man to become impotent? There are many reasons.

As a rule, this diagnosis occurs in 30% of men. Often the cause of erectile dysfunction is the age of the patient. In general, this category of patients includes men from 50 to 65 years.

Recently, this pathology is found in the younger generation. This is due to the inactive way of life and the wrong diet of the patient. Organic impotence leads to the appearance of sexual impotence during sexual intercourse. In some cases, in the presence of diseases, the normal potency of a man directly depends on the cardiovascular system, as well as on the work of the endocrine gland.

The impotency definition in recent years in medical literature is almost not used. Replace it with "erectile dysfunction" or "erectile dysfunction."

Definition of impotent is scary, but it is not a doom. I will tell you why later.

What are causes of impotence? To understand the question we have to understand the kinds of this disease.

Types of impotence

In medicine, there are several types of impotence, each of which has certain symptoms and treatment of the disease. These include:

  • organic impotence. As a rule, these are patients aged 50 to 65 years. Symptoms of the disease is a prolonged absence of erectile function, which is not allowed to have sexual intercourse. In some cases, a man can have a prolonged elasticity of the organ, which is accompanied by a rapid outflow of blood;
  • psychological. The succession of failures adversely affects the psychological state of the patient. In simple language, a man is afraid to suffer another fiasco with his partner. As a result, the patient will lose sexual desire.

Before you start treating the disease, you need to understand what is the main cause of impotence.

In some cases, the causes of impotence do not need medical treatment. The main task of a specialist is an individual approach to each patient. He has to understand what is the main cause of impotence in concrete occasion. Due to this, he is able to make an accurate diagnosis of the disease, the necessary measures to eliminate this trouble.

Several main factors provoke the appearance of sexual impotence. These include:

  • Moral shocks (stress, frequent nervous tension, increased irritability);
  • hormonal failure in the endocrine system;
  • obstruction of blood pressure;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • taking medications.

Frequent stressful situations can become the main cause of the intimate failure of the patient. Quite often, this is typical of the younger generation, who are just beginning to discover sexual relations for themselves. Young men are afraid to fail in the process of sexual intercourse.

The impotent definition describes a man, who cannot make sex. Organic impotence directly depends on the diet and lifestyle of the patient. At a more mature age, there is a bad supply of nerve impulses, the disease of the cardiac system also affects negatively the intimate life of the patient. The fact that the differences in blood pressure can trigger insufficient blood supply to the entire body.

The violation in the endocrine system is accompanied by a lowered release of testosterone, which is responsible for sexual attraction; because of this, the patient has an erection for a sufficiently long period. Such symptoms are characteristic of a more mature generation. In the body, the maximum production of prolactin occurs, which suppresses the action of testosterone.

The poor permeability of the venous and capillary network entails inadequate nutrition of the reproductive system. Excessive consumption of fatty foods contributes to the formation of cholesterol plaques. They, in turn, form a barrier in the circulatory system.

As a result, a person does not receive the necessary nutrition for the body. Signs of impotence in men, in this case, is the complete absence of sexual attraction.

The defeat of the cells of the central nervous system adversely affects the patient's well-being. In the brain center, men note the malfunction of the nerve impulses, which are responsible for feeding the sexual organ. As a result, organic impotence occurs.

Nevertheless, it is not so scary when we are speaking about men after 50, but what causes impotence in middle-aged men?

  • improper work and rest;
  • "Sedentary" way of life, lack of physical activity;
  • stress and emotions;
  • excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and other habits that are contrary to a healthy lifestyle;
  • previous unsuccessful experience with women;

The composition of harmful food and alcohol-containing beverages contains a huge number of chemical compounds that cause premature aging and obesity of the whole organism as a whole. As statistics show, sexual impotence is found in every 10 modern men. Just don’t ask what causes impotence in young males? Because these facts make young boys impotent too.

Asking for help

When is it recommended to seek appropriate help? When you understand your own impotence definition. The occurrence of several sexual failures requires the advice of an experienced urologist. Timely treatment of ailment allows you to save self-esteem for a man.

Modern medicine offers a huge selection of treatments for impotence. It consists in taking medication, as well as in the help of a highly qualified psychologist.

The main disadvantage of many patients is the late application for help. They feel a sense of fear and embarrassment. Self-management negatively affects the sexual life of the patient.

Don’t be scary of definition of impotent – you can solve this problems easily!